I’m Kaito Kasai — a full-funnel digital marketer with a passion for online business.

After years of trying different things, I discovered that digital marketing is what aligns with me the most as a career.
I enjoy creative activities like writing, designing, and playing music.
Yet, I also enjoy entrepreneurship, online business, and psychology.
I went on to earn my degree in that too!
And as I progressed from graphic designer, to sales rep, to copywriter, to content creator, eventually, I found myself implementing everything together as a marketing manager for an online startup.
(Which grew from zero to $2.5M in 12 months.)
Never in my life have I pushed myself so hard, but never in my life have I felt so enthusiastic about my work either.
And that’s when I knew that digital marketing was the right path for me.
Since then, I’ve continually invested time and energy into learning more, so that one day I’ll enter the top 1% of digital marketing experts.
That way, I can serve my clients at the highest level, and be a positive force in the world.
I believe that business is all about solving problems and doing right by others.
And online businesses like e-commerce, allows people to build something they enjoy, spend more time with their loved ones, and travel the world, all while serving their customers across the globe — even if it’s just something small that brightens their day.
And I think that’s wonderful.
Which is why I’m happy to work with other like-minded business owners, who have great products and services, who honor their customers, and want to be a positive force in the world too.
Does that resonate with you?
If so, I’d love to connect!